LifeStealZ is an open source Lifesteal SMP plugin written in Java, that provides you with all the features you need!
Last updated
LifeStealZ is an open source Lifesteal SMP plugin written in Java, that provides you with all the features you need!
Last updated
✅ Stealing hearts
✅ Withdraw hearts
✅ Customizable heart items
✅ Custom crafting recipes
✅ Revive item
✅ Maximal and starter hearts
✅ Disable totems
✅ Disable crystal pvp
✅ Ingame recipe viewer
✅ PlaceholderAPI placeholders
✅ Custom WorldGuard flags
✅ Admin commands
✅ HEX colors and gradients support
✅ SQLite and MySQL support
If you need further help with LifeStealZ, you can join in our Discord Server. You can either ask in the #support channel or create a Ticket.