
The main command for LifeStealZ

Command /lifestealz (/lsz)


/lifestealz help

Permission: lifestealz.help (default: true)

This command prints a help message.

/lifestealz recipe [recipe]

Permission: lifestealz.viewrecipes (default: true)

Shows a GUI with the recipe for a specific item.

/lifestealz reload

Permission: lifestealz.admin.reload (default: op)

This command reloads the plugin, to load changes in the config.

/lifestealz hearts <add | set | remove | get> [player] [amount]

Permission: lifestealz.admin.setlife (default: op)

This command sets, adds, removes, or gets the hearts of the targetplayer. The amount must not be specified, when using get.

/lifestealz giveItem [player] [item] [amount] <silent>

Permission: lifestealz.admin.giveitem (default: op)

This command gives a custom item (e.g. heart or revive crystal) to a player. The <item> can be any item specified in the config. The amount does not have to be specified and defaults to 1. If you don't want a confirmation message to be sent to the targetplayer, you can add silent at the end of the command.

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