You want to help translate LifeStealZ? Here you'll learn how.
Last updated
You want to help translate LifeStealZ? Here you'll learn how.
Last updated
We are using a tool called GitLocalize to manage translations for LifeStealZ. If you want to contribute to the translations, you'll need to sign in to GitLocalize with a GitHub Account. If you don't already have one, you can create one here.
After logging in, you can find the repo here:
To start translating, follow these steps:
Select the language you would like to translate
Select the translation file
On the left should be the english version and on the right, you can enter the traslated strings
After you are done translating, create a Review Request by clicking the yellow button in the top
If the language, you want to translate to is not yet present in the list, please open a ticket on the Discord
When you have contributed to translations, you can request a Translator role in the Discord Server. With that you can talk and coordinate with other translators.